Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I am officially registered this year for school...that's a good thing, right? Melissa and I were very excited to open our locker and measure it and everything! Unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to decorate it :P Everyone wanted to leave, so we had to stay with the crowd. But I got everything sized to fit! So once I get my license (cough, tomorrow) maybe I can just drive down there and set it up. My school picture didn't turn out tooo bad...but I did have a fly way hair. Too bad I can't scan it onto the computer to show you, but oh well. Just imagine my face with a grey background. Then, today, I got some lovely blood work done. GROSS! I hate having needles put into my veins. It's okay for insulin, because that doesn't go into my veins. It goes into fatty tissue areas. And now with a pump, I barely even put the needle in myself. The inserter does that job for me. But anywho, it was only two viles that they had to fill for my blood work so I guess it wasn't disastrous. The lady doing it kept trying to set me up with her son. "You're so cute! And you're a junior? Well, my son's a junior and he's pretty cute, too...he can't drive yet, but if you can drive soon then it'd be perfect! He could pay for everything and you'd drive..." etc. etc. etc. She really wanted me to date her son! Haha! She even started talking to my mom about it. But don't worry, I didn't give her any personal information besides what she had in my file so I don't think I'll be getting calls from her son(:

1 comment:

  1. lol! That is so funny! I am glad she thought you were so cute, but even more glad you aren't dating him! ;) haha! Hooray for your locker!! I didn't know you and Melissa were sharing one this year! Good luck! I am praying that doesn't end the way the others have. :)
